FlickrEdit is an open source alternative to Flickr's web-based interface and some of its editing functions. It provides you with some extra functionality that you may find useful when organizing your photo collection, such as an EXIF viewer, and a basic photo editor.
FlickrEdit is not an off-line version of the original website - it is just more of a Windows-based interface to keep your photo albums and collections neatly organized. The features provided do not differ much from the things you can do when using your Flickr account directly. Actually, in order to use FlickrEdit you need to be logged into your account. Once the connection has been made, you will be able to access all the basic organizing solutions present in Flickr, such as your favorite shots, your contacts, your albums and sets, the groups you belong to, your recently accessed photographs, etc.
Among the various utilities offered by FlickrEdit, its EXIF viewer is probably its more interesting feature. Here you can see all the technical information stored in your digital photographs by your camera at the time of taking them. Besides, there is also a slide show viewer, and the possibility of backing up selected shots.
To have access to your Flickr content, your Flickr account will ask you to authorize FlickrEdit to grab and display all the information requested. You can add as many accounts as you wish, and you will be offered various authorization levels, the lowest one allowing you to merely view your data and the highest one allowing you to perform changes in your Flickr collections.